On 12/10/14 08:03, martin f krafft wrote:

> track of the bigger picture. As such, I think budget/accounting is
> a prime candidate for being separate, sort of the money guards that
> have to be convinced of expenses and who merely record income in
> a dry way. That way, you can always be sure that the money you
> spend/commit is money you already have. Doing the budget and the
> accounts "on the side" could OTOH quickly lead to mistakes as people
> "optimise" and simplify in their heads, rather than keeping
> meticulous tracks.
> But sure, this separation can happen in sub-sub-teams. Hopefully we
> won't drown in bureaucracy though ;)

A priori, I tend to agree with you on this, but at the same time, I
realise it would be impossible to create that many teams, while ensuring
some continuity and improved processes. So I think it will be better to
trust these bigger teams to self-organise to avoid the kind of problems
you mention.

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)
Debconf-team mailing list

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