also sprach Moray Allan <> [2014-10-12 01:35 +0200]:
> - Fundraising should ideally happen through a shared Debian team, but we
> still need some DebConf people to track it ... and probably need a
> continuing input of DebConf people to work hard to make it happen.  At the
> same time, the people who are thinking about DebConf fundraising are usually
> the ones who have the best idea about how we should be budgeting, so it
> makes sense to put these tasks together in a subteam.

One point here: in general, there is sometimes benefit of *not*
grouping all related tasks into one group, because interfaces
between groups also serve to prevent mistakes and ensure not losing
track of the bigger picture. As such, I think budget/accounting is
a prime candidate for being separate, sort of the money guards that
have to be convinced of expenses and who merely record income in
a dry way. That way, you can always be sure that the money you
spend/commit is money you already have. Doing the budget and the
accounts "on the side" could OTOH quickly lead to mistakes as people
"optimise" and simplify in their heads, rather than keeping
meticulous tracks.

But sure, this separation can happen in sub-sub-teams. Hopefully we
won't drown in bureaucracy though ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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      DebConf16 in your country?

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