also sprach Steve Langasek <> [2014-09-21 22:00 +0200]:
> One thing that's not clear to me is how this afternoon block (14:30-17:00)
> is supposed to be broken down into slots.  Is this 5 half-hour blocks?  Two
> one-hour blocks and one half-hour block?  Two 1h15m blocks?

I am not entirely sure whether we can push dinner out much later
than 1800… I wrote in to check.

An alternative schedule might be:

        Presentation days         Hack days
09:45   Breakfast ends            dto.
09:50   Orga team meeting         dto.
10:00   Plenary                   dto.
10:30   Lightning talks / keynote dto.
11:30   Session slot              dto.
12:30   Lunch                     dto.
14:00   Session slot              Hack time
15:00   Session slot              Hack time
16:00   Coffee break              Hack time
17:00   Session slot              Hack time
18:00   Session slot              Hack time
19:00   Dinner                    dto.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16 in your country?

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