also sprach Margarita Manterola <> [2014-09-21 11:14 
> > Hacking time — I prefer to call it "free time" — is fine, but
> > that should not be the primary focus of our conference,
> > especially not if there is DebCamp before…
> It's not the same thing, there's a lot of hacking that's triggered
> as a response to a particular idea, and also there's much more
> people during DebConf who can then get together and work on
> something.

Seriously, I wonder why we are discussing this, as we are speaking
about exactly the same concept: larger periods of continuous (free)
time in the schedule which people can use for hacking. But since
they are not required to hack, why call it hacking time, rather than
just leaving it free?

Anyway, call it whatever you want, as long as I am not going to be
expected to be only hacking then.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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