Margarita Manterola dijo [Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 11:40:37PM +0200]:
> > also sprach Margarita Manterola <> [2014-09-21 
> > 18:00 +0200]:
> >> This hasn't been agreed on.
> > I was pretty sure we had mostly agreed on this being a good idea.
> > What sort of agreement do you want? This is something worthwhile
> > trying out, so why drag our feet?
> What hasn't been agreed is the amount of time spent for this.  I think
> that pushing everything to 10:30 because of this is not a useful way
> of spending our time. I believe 15 minutes should be enough for both
> announcements and raffle.

...And a raffle should be an entirely optional activity, it should not
be tied to announcements. Specially if it is a sponsored activity. I
am not opposed to having a daily raffle, but I'd very much prefer to
be able to skip it without it meaning I'll be missing interesting
talks, important information, or whatever.

> Therefore, I propose this structure for the morning session
> 09:45 - Announcements and Raffle
> 10:00 - Keynote (no parallels)

Right, that would work for me — I expect I won't be the only one
joining at 10AM. Again, I expect important announcements to be relayed
online, don't think we will really need to have an announcements
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