On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 01:34:58PM -0700, Jonathan McDowell wrote: > It doesn't look like we yet have a shape for how the days should be laid > out over the conference. Steve put forward a strawman in > > http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20131001.175026.0a50b91b.en.html > > and AJ countered in: > > http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20131002.135054.6fb41220.en.html > > I'd like to suggest something that's a bit of a mix, as I think there > are good elements in both.
My suggestion seemed to appeal to both AJ and Steve, so it seems like I managed to capture the balance of what both were suggesting. Richard doesn't like the block at the end, but I think that's what AJ was sort of looking for. Gunnar raised a number of issues, some of which Steve addressed and some of which I think come down to the discussion about whether DebCamp should happen or not, which is beyond the scope of this thread (and indeed DebConf 14 at this point). The only issue I've seen that might be a problem is the suggestion that the video team may not be able to cope with 3 talk streams going on. It would be good if someone could confirm that's not a problem, but in the absence of yelling I'm going to assume that this is doable. So I think this rough format is what we should try for DC 14. It's not going to keep everyone happy, but takes on board a range of considerations that have been mentioned. I've emailed the venue to try and get some meal times nailed down and will follow up when I've done so. > My understanding is that we're having 2 meals on the weekends, so a > later brunch. I don't know what exact timings of meals are expected to > be but am assuming roughly 12->1:30 for lunch, and dinner at 6->8, with > the brunch probably 10->11:30 or a bit later? That probably means we can > fit 2 talks into the morning (with a 10am start) and 4 into the > afternoon (allowing for a mid afternoon break as well). > > Reconfiguring the plenary room into talk rooms takes time, so my > suggestion is that we don't aim to have to reconfigure the room during > any of the days; for the opening day it'll be a single room and thus the > talks that day should be the ones we expect to have a bigger audience, > and then for the last day with the closing it can be a single room as > well. All other days assume we have 3 separate talk rooms. > > I liked AJ's suggestion about a sort-of DebCamp after the day trip day > but thought that perhaps we could mix some of the BOFs in with this. If > we have a BOF session before + after lunch on each of these days it > hopefully doesn't break flow of concentration too much (assuming you'd > break for lunch anyway) and potentially provides a bit more focus for > hacking in terms of providing time near the BOF to go off and work on > stuff related to it. > > Fri, August 22: Arrival day. Dorm check in available after noon. > Minimal hacklabs. No talks. > Sat, August 23: First day of conference. Opening immediately after > brunch. Slots for 4 talks afterwards (inc DPL). > Sun, August 24: Full day of talks; start post brunch, 15 slots. > Mon, August 25: Full day of talks. 18 slots. > Tue, August 26: Full day of talks. 18 slots. > Wed, August 27: Day trip > Thu, August 28: Hack day. BOFs either side of lunch (6 slots). > Fri, August 29: Hack day. BOFs either side of lunch (6 slots). > Sat, August 30: Hack day. BOFs post brunch (3 slots). > Sun, August 31: Last day of conference. Post brunch lightning > talks (1hr30?), closing plenary, done by 4pm. > Hacklabs open. > Mon, September 1: Leaving day. No hacklabs, leave rooms by noon. > > I think the important people who need to say that this works for them > are the talks and video teams. Getting a quick agreement on this will > help those trying to get their tickets booked; I will assume if I don't > hear anything in the next week that this works for everyone. J. -- Everything goes quiet, I roll over and drop carrier for 10 hours. This .sig brought to you by the letter A and the number 45 Product of the Republic of HuggieTag
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