On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 11:38:36PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> So, yes, if we have to decide between three days of mostly-hackning
> (read: What was previously known as DebCamp) and three days of
> mostly-conference (read: What was previously known as DebConf), I
> think the point pushed by the local team about DebCamp not being a net
> benefit for Debian would defeat itself. Interleaving mostly-talks and
> mostly-hacking days would at least introduce a change that could in
> some way be evaluated.

I don't believe that the point "pushed by the local team about DebCamp not
being a net benefit for Debian would defeat itself", because that doesn't
take into account how we attempted to restructure "DebCamp" to ensure more
people could participate without increasing a cost to Debian.

DebCamp is expensive. DebCamp, as it existed, had no way to ensure those who
were attending were held accountable for being hosted, on Debian funds, to
collaborate with others. And, as an organizer, I've received multiple
complaints from people who *fully expected* to be able to collaborate with
others who were hosted at a DebCamp, and the others were no where to be
found, and the report back was that they were indeed *not* hacking. 

I know this is not true for everyone, but this is most certainly a case
where a few people have "ruined" the situation for everyone, and we *need*
to find a way to actually make this work. I will point out that I have
REPEATEDLY offered to help organize any sprints that people would like to
have in Portland before (or after) the conference proper, and Lucas has
offered to sign off on any of those sprints. To my knowledge, NOBODY has
gone through the process to request a sprint. This suggests to me that
DebCamp really was more about convenience than actually planning on

So, the local team for DC14 chose to attempt to incorporate DebCamp *into*
DebConf to address this issue. If it will work or not is what we'll see
after August. 

And, quite frankly, I'm extremely insulted by the attitude of those who have
been crying out about the lack of a DebCamp and declaring that the lack is a
"bug" from DC14's planning, but haven't been bothered to even *apply* for a
sprint.  If this were sincerely about needing to collaborate, I would expect
at least one sprint to be requested.  None have.  NONE.  NOT.  A.  SINGLE. 

If DebCamp is that sincerely important to your team, or coordination of a
couple of teams, REQUEST A SPRINT FROM LUCAS.  CLEARLY if DebCamp was so
important, we would be OVERWHELMED with sprint requests!  But, we haven't. 
So, please help us figure out how to actually incorporate *hacking* with


Patty Langasek


At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be 
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always 
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your 
passion takes you.
                                --- J. Michael Straczynski
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