On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 09:58:29PM +0200, Martín Ferrari wrote:
> On 21/05/14 02:45, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > FYI, we do have some data already about this, namely the arrival/departure
> > dates that sponsored attendees have entered when registering.  For each
> > night of sponsored accommodation, we have:
> >
> >   Date       | # sponsored
> >   -----------|------------
> >   2014-08-22 | 126
> >   2014-08-23 | 134
> I don't think these numbers reflect reality: by default, you get
> assigned 2014-08-22 as an arrival date. And many people (me included)
> don't have a set date for arrival, maybe because they didn't buy tickets
> yet.
> So, I think these numbers are very misleading, and should not be used at
> this point for planning. At least until the reconfirmation period.

So we shouldn't plan what's on what day until people have confirmed what
days they're coming? How will you decide when to turn up if you don't
know what day things are actually on?

The other thing to keep in mind is that the aim for the start on
Saturday is the afternoon. So it will be possible for people to turn up
on Saturday morning and still make the first talks, unlike occasions when
the opening has been first thing on the first proper morning.


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