also sprach Martin Zobel-Helas <> [2014-02-19 18:43 +0100]:
> Heidelberg's Youth Hostel doesn't say anything about wheel chair
> access in the wiki, but according to the website it has 6 wheel
> chair accessable sleeping rooms, it states that the restaurant
> part are wheel chair accessable, no information about the
> auditorium rooms.

"All conference rooms are fully accessible and within short walking

> I personaly like the idea of Heidelberg, to have everything in one
> place, though the auditorium rooms might be a bit on the small end.

Yes they are on the smaller^Wcozy side, but it is our experience
that an ever-increasing number of people follow talks via streams
thanks to the video team, anyway. It's a consideration for events
like the opening and closing ceremonies, but then again it's
possible to stand at the side like in Vaumarcus.

We are working on the assumption of having 320 participants. Between
the biggest two auditoria, we have 370 seats, so even if *everyone*
attended the main talks at any time, we probably won't fill either
room to the last seat.

On behalf of the entire team,

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA:

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