On 10/24/2013 08:32 AM, Moray Allan wrote:
> On 2013-10-24 00:43, Brian Gupta wrote:
>> Supporter <2000 USD
>> - Logo on sponsor web page
>             ^^
> This should presumably read "supporter web page".  The intention has
> previously been that these aren't formally included as "sponsors" --
> with no minimum, it's a different option rather than being another
> level.  (And I think it's better kept that way; in the past we seemed to
> confuse some potential sponsors by having too many different levels.)
> By the same argument, this option probably shouldn't be explicitly in
> the sponsorship brochure, but rather raised with organisations as
> another option if they decline to become sponsors.

Hi Moray,

Since this is the only "benefit" for the supporter level, we could
simplify the table by just dropping the Support column and include a
sentence using the term "Supporter" in the "Additional Opportunities"

I'll leave the column in place until there is consensus from the list.

Changes I have made:

- s/basic/general/ from "in addition to their basic sponsorship" in the
"Additional Opportunities" section.  A 50k sponsor doesn't need a
monetary contribution to be referred to as "basic."

- add the conference bags benefit back into the table (as per Brian's email)

Thank you,

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