On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Raphaël Walther <raph...@walther.im> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 07:43:41PM -0400, Brian Gupta wrote:
>> After discussion with sponsors-team we are proposing the following
>> sponsorship levels and registration fees for DC14. (They are largely
>> the same as DC13 with CHF substituted for USD). The one change from
>> DC13 is that we are proposing to add back the bag logo benefit but
>> only for gold+ sponsors rather than silver+ sponsors as it was in
>> previous DCs. This does presume that debconf-team will be arranging to
>> have a Conference Bag produced, so a volunteer to coordinate/research
>> that would be needed.
> I would prefer like last year not to promise the bag so we leave it as an 
> option
> for us if we have time, money or a generous sponsor to produce the bag.

I think we as a group need to decide NOW if conference bags are
something we want, if we want them to happen. (Please weigh in!)

I personally feel that from a logistical point of view the bags are
useful for giving out the shirts and sponsor swag, and other things
that attendees need to be given, so I'd be in favor of committing to
doing them.

That said, it would be useful to have feedback from folks who managed
frontdesk for prior conferences, and understand whether the bags made
life easier, harder, or were a wash.

There is also the history that through hook or crook we have managed
to provide bags for most, if not all, recent DebConfs, so I suspect
people are expecting them.

If we decide that there will be a conference bag, we don't have to
decide right now if we will try to seek a "bag sponsor", or do it
ourselves. (I'd imagine it's not that much different, from a work
point of view, as we still would need to design the bag, and work out
shipping logistics, in either case.)


> Cheers,
> Raphaël
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