On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 04:08:22PM -0400, Brian Gupta wrote:

> I think we as a group need to decide NOW if conference bags are
> something we want, if we want them to happen. (Please weigh in!)

I feel that the bags are a benefit to the conference, and bags are widely
given at "professional" conferences across many different industries.

I really think we should continue this (somewhat) recent tradition, but I
also don't feel strongly enough to insist we budget them over say, costs for
sponsoring DDs in travel or accommodations.

Bearing in mind, "bags" can be anything from plastic bags (well, probably
not in Portland.  Yuck.) to the light-weight totes that we had at DC10
(which are pretty popular in this area atm) to small little over the
shoulder affairs like what we had at DC4 to actual messenger bags like
DC13's. So, there's a wide variety, and deciding *if* we want a bag is
probably more necessitated by deciding *what kind of bag* we want.

> That said, it would be useful to have feedback from folks who managed
> frontdesk for prior conferences, and understand whether the bags made
> life easier, harder, or were a wash.

I don't think it made life easier or harder. It was what it was; there
logistics to be considered, though, in "stuffing" bags, but honestly, we'd
have to consider those logistics no matter what because there will be swag
to hand out.


Patty Langasek


At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be 
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always 
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your 
passion takes you.
                                --- J. Michael Straczynski
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