On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Brian Gupta <brian.gu...@brandorr.com> wrote:
> After discussion with sponsors-team we are proposing the following
> sponsorship levels and registration fees for DC14. (They are largely
> the same as DC13 with CHF substituted for USD). The one change from
> DC13 is that we are proposing to add back the bag logo benefit but
> only for gold+ sponsors rather than silver+ sponsors as it was in
> previous DCs. This does presume that debconf-team will be arranging to
> have a Conference Bag produced, so a volunteer to coordinate/research
> that would be needed.
> Please share your thoughts, as we need to finalize these soon so that
> nattie can incorporate them into the Sponsorship Brochure by Oct 31st,
> which is when we plan to start the fundraising effort.
> Finalizing these levels is very important as it's a blocker for
> reaching out to potential sponsors.
> (Please note benefits to sponsors are cumulative so that higher tier
> sponsors get the benefits of all lower tiers.)
> Supporter <2000 USD
> - Logo on sponsor web page
> Bronze 2000 USD
> - Logo on all web pages and link back to company homepage
> Silver 6000 USD
> - Logo in full-page "thank you" ad in Linux Magazine worldwide
> - Logo printed on conference T-shirts
> Gold 12000 USD
> - Logo printed larger and in superior position on T-shirts
> - Logo on all video streams, during breaks
> - Logo on banner in conference lobby
> - Logo printed on conference bag
> Platinum 25000 USD
> - Logo on banner behind talk podiums
> - Name and description of sponsor in all press releases relating to
> the conference
> 45-minute slot for a Free Software related talk
> Registration fees:
> Corporate: 500 USD (is intended for those attending DebConf as
> representatives of companies.)
> Professional 200 USD (is intended for any individual or company who
> wants to help the conference by contributing to cover some of the
> costs of their attendance.)
> Thanks,
> Brian

Hi all,

Would it be safe to say there is a rough consensus to move forward
with these levels as initially outlined? (We need to finalize them for
the sponsors brochure that tmancill is finalizing for end of month

One tweak we are making is that since we are still working with our
media sponsors, we will probably have to tweak the wording for the
"Thank you ad" to say:

"Logo in full-page "Thank you!" advertisement in a well-known Linux periodical".

(Basically we didn't want to make any premature promises in our
brochure, so have been working to get commitments before we publish
the sponsorship benefits and currently have enough of a commitment to
say what I wrote above. If things clarify between now and Oct 31st, I
will work with tmancill to adjust wording in the brochure.)

As far as the bag goes, while there isn't 100% consensus, I believe we
have enough of a consensus that people think bags are worth doing to
spend $1500-2000 on canvas tote bags if someone volunteers to
coordinate their production. I have confirmed that this price range is
doable from a number of vendors, so have put that on my plate for now.

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