Giacomo Catenazzi <> writes:
> This would be simple, but it doesn't seem the most request of families 
> (OTOH CH was special, with no real alternatives for families near the 
> venue).

Can we at least please stop this meme now. Each family is different and
has their own requrirements. Several families have proven that Le Camp
was perfect for them and others have shown that there were nearby
alternatives that worked for them.

Some families are quite happy in an environment like Le Camp, others are
not. Some others might be happy to have other DebConf attendees careing
about their children during the day, others probably won't.

IMO we should offer a solution that we think will work for most and that
actually someone wants to implement. After that families can decide if
they like it or not.


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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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