also sprach Hector Oron <> [2013.08.22.0459 +0200]:
> I would like to propose an alternative planning parallel to DebConf.
> For example, if you look at FOSDEM conference they have offerings like
> sightseeing to the spouses/partners of FOSDEM visitors.
> < >

DebConf is a very diverse conference, especially if you include the
hallway track. Please don't send spouses/children away for an
"alternative programme". If the kids are taken care of, spouses will
engage, and this is what we want.

Take Penny and I: she'll want to go to talks and she knows many
people. This leaves me to take care of Veronika, meaning that only
one of us can really only participate in the conference at a time.
If V was playing under supervision, we could both participate and

also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <> [2013.08.22.1007 +0200]:
> - Families requests and information happen at busy organizing time,
> when organizers have few time, so families need pass to second level.

Unless we recognise that we have more and more families attending
and we purposely keep it at first level to make them all feel

> For these reasons, I think that families issues should be handled
> by a special team (outside core team), who should have more time
> and resources (also during DebConf) than core team.

Please don't advocate a two-class approach to this. I am not saying
this because I have family myself, but because we don't want the
organisers to split into competing groups (again).

also sprach Hector Oron <> [2013.08.22.1540 +0200]:
> We need DebConf local team to help out to find accomodation places
> for families, families should probably have to find out the costs
> themselves and do any required booking before-hand. The same
> applies for food and travelling.

I agree that families should be expected to cater for themselves.
I think that we should focus *only* on providing a way for parents
to leave their children under supervision to be able to participate.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <>
: :'  :  ex-DebConf orga team; ex-press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf14: Portland, OR, USA:
"nicht durch zorn, sondern durch lachen tötet man."
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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