On 08/22/2013 08:29 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <c...@debian.org> [2013.08.22.1007 +0200]:
- Families requests and information happen at busy organizing time,
when organizers have few time, so families need pass to second level.
Unless we recognise that we have more and more families attending
and we purposely keep it at first level to make them all feel
I'm more pragmatical: we consider families as first class, in last few
debconfs, but... what results? If we want better results, we need more
that statement of intents.
For these reasons, I think that families issues should be handled
by a special team (outside core team), who should have more time
and resources (also during DebConf) than core team.
Please don't advocate a two-class approach to this. I am not saying
this because I have family myself, but because we don't want the
organisers to split into competing groups (again).
Hmm, OTOH you cannot relay on organizers without children to really help
and find in advance the possible problems.
BTW not competing groups, but some specialized persons. [look
registration: it has already many people working on different fields
(some overlapping, some really teams, some specialized tasks. I see just
few other people on registration, who take special care about families
also sprach Hector Oron <hector.o...@gmail.com> [2013.08.22.1540 +0200]:
We need DebConf local team to help out to find accomodation places
for families, families should probably have to find out the costs
themselves and do any required booking before-hand. The same
applies for food and travelling.
I agree that families should be expected to cater for themselves.
I think that we should focus *only* on providing a way for parents
to leave their children under supervision to be able to participate.
This would be simple, but it doesn't seem the most request of families
(OTOH CH was special, with no real alternatives for families near the
Note: I'm speaking with DC12 and DC13 registration badges. Nothing in
this mail should be interpreted as DC14 plans or as a method to push
DC14 team toward my ideas.
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