Le mardi, 9 avril 2013 20.54:31, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> CHF 5k for additional travel sponsorship
> CHF 5k for conference dinner
> CHF 3k for external speakers
> CHF 20k for DebCamp
> CHF 3k for day trip
> we have all we need, stop looking for more sponsors

For me, not exactly, because there are still some expenses that we are 
expecting the attendees to pay for, which could be avoided:

- Coffee outside breakfasts (hint, hint)
- Bus shuttles to/from Yverdon-les-Bains (for arrival, departure, and daily
  shuttle for hotel-accomodated attendees)
- Bar - I'm not saying beer should be free-for-all, but knowing that one 0.33l
  beer is roughly 4 CHF in swiss bars, offering a lower price would be nice
  IMHO. (And I'd really like to have special/local beers up for discovery.)

Also, I'd put more than that for:
- DebCamp, but it's dependent on both the result of the negotiation with Le
  Camp and our number of expected (or registrated) attendees.
- DayTrip, as I think it would be quite nice to have it free for all
  attendees. As Gaudenz wrote, it doesn't need to be a luxury day, but a nice
  day off computers, in a nice environment.

As good-to-have's, I would also allocate some money to:
- the Debian 20th Birthday to make it a nice party, independently of Debian
  Day happening.
- per-attendee DebConf13 "souvenir"; the DebConf12 mug was a great idea, which
  I use everyday and which reminds me of the good times there. I think it
  would be nice to be able to offer a similar "good goodie" [0] to all
  attendees, in addition to the logos-crowded conference T-shirt.



[0] What I mean by "good goodie" is that I'd rather spend 35 CHF (which is a 
lot of money, granted) per attendee for a long-lasting Debian-branded Swiss 
knife than 8 CHF for a crappy, low-quality lighter/pen/pocket-lamp/whatever. 
If we are to offer goodies (which is certainly controversial), I would like us 
to aim for quality of the gift, not it's as-low-as-possible price, only. In 
that regard, the mug was a super-cool deal, IMHO.
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