Hi Gunnar,

I'm really astonished because you seems to have mind reading abilities
over cross-atlantic distance.  I intended to write pretty the same.

On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 10:29:23AM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > (...)
> > + CHF 5k for conference dinner [3]
> This would surely be nice to have, but we can anyway skip it (as we
> have done IIRC in NYC) or shape it differently (as happened in
> Edinburgh). If our concern is saving money, while a conference dinner
> usually translate to very good memories, is one aspect we can leave
> aside until we confirm we can reasonably afford it. If one nice dinner
> equals a full day of DebCamp (and I strongly doubt one day of setup
> will be enough - leave alone the DebCamp usual setting!), I'd very
> much prefer adding an extra day.


> > + CHF 3k for day trip [3]
> On the PDF you sent, daytrip stands at CHF8,700 (15CHF/attendee). We
> can also cut this, and make daytrip be paid for those interested in
> going there (again, as it has happened in the past). 15CHF per person
> for a fun social day seems OK, but summing it up, it becomes a huge
> monster we can surely avoid. Or decide on accepting later on.


> > + CHF 3k for external speakers [3]
> I guess this means the "Travel reimbursement, speakers" (CHF1,000)and
> "Travel accomodation, speakers" (CHF2,000) rows. Do we have an idea
> who these "external speakers" would be? Or if we really need them?
> Again, it might be a good idea, but I'd prefer leaving it aside for
> now. FWIW, we have enough interesting speakers "in-house". And if we
> were to propose invite $foo as a speaker for a specific topic, $foo
> could be included (and ranked) as part of the travel sponsorship queue
> (even if handled differently at the end). This would mean, a wider
> team (those inviting and those deciding on sponsorship) gets to vote
> on their presence.
> Of course, my idea has several flaws (such as the time needed for an
> external person, in whom *we* would be interested, to confirm
> attendance; sponsorship decisions are usually announced quite
> late). The number is not *so* big. But still, budgeting for externals
> while our own conference's status is not yet fully covered seems like
> an avoidable part.


> > On the income side, I estimated the current amount of sponsorship
> > money + additional 10k.
> > This results in a budget with a deficit of 20k, which means Debian
> > pays the newbies initiative for DebConf.
> This makes sense, as it has been this way in the past. So, yay! We are
> basically at the level with the projected costs! Just to emphasize, at
> CHF5,000 per setup/debcamp day, I think we should try first to expand
> a bit (mainly setup worries me, it usually requires quite ea bit of
> work), and then we should add niceties.
> Oh, of course - And some niceties can be anyway transferred to
> attendees (i.e. what I proposed for the daytrip). Even if we get the
> needed extra money, it would not be a sin to end up handing money back
> to Debian ;-)


Looking foreward to meet you in Le Camp to learn more about mind reading


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