Philipp Hug dijo [Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 02:16:38PM +0200]:
> Hi list,
> I committed an updated budget for DebConf with the following additions
> to the DPL-approved budget:

Hi and thanks, Philipp!

Excuse me if I'm skipping some context I am unaware of, but I have a
couple of doubts here:

> (...)
> + CHF 5k for conference dinner [3]

This would surely be nice to have, but we can anyway skip it (as we
have done IIRC in NYC) or shape it differently (as happened in
Edinburgh). If our concern is saving money, while a conference dinner
usually translate to very good memories, is one aspect we can leave
aside until we confirm we can reasonably afford it. If one nice dinner
equals a full day of DebCamp (and I strongly doubt one day of setup
will be enough - leave alone the DebCamp usual setting!), I'd very
much prefer adding an extra day.

> + CHF 3k for day trip [3]

On the PDF you sent, daytrip stands at CHF8,700 (15CHF/attendee). We
can also cut this, and make daytrip be paid for those interested in
going there (again, as it has happened in the past). 15CHF per person
for a fun social day seems OK, but summing it up, it becomes a huge
monster we can surely avoid. Or decide on accepting later on.

> + CHF 3k for external speakers [3]

I guess this means the "Travel reimbursement, speakers" (CHF1,000)and
"Travel accomodation, speakers" (CHF2,000) rows. Do we have an idea
who these "external speakers" would be? Or if we really need them?
Again, it might be a good idea, but I'd prefer leaving it aside for
now. FWIW, we have enough interesting speakers "in-house". And if we
were to propose invite $foo as a speaker for a specific topic, $foo
could be included (and ranked) as part of the travel sponsorship queue
(even if handled differently at the end). This would mean, a wider
team (those inviting and those deciding on sponsorship) gets to vote
on their presence.

Of course, my idea has several flaws (such as the time needed for an
external person, in whom *we* would be interested, to confirm
attendance; sponsorship decisions are usually announced quite
late). The number is not *so* big. But still, budgeting for externals
while our own conference's status is not yet fully covered seems like
an avoidable part.

> On the income side, I estimated the current amount of sponsorship
> money + additional 10k.
> This results in a budget with a deficit of 20k, which means Debian
> pays the newbies initiative for DebConf.

This makes sense, as it has been this way in the past. So, yay! We are
basically at the level with the projected costs! Just to emphasize, at
CHF5,000 per setup/debcamp day, I think we should try first to expand
a bit (mainly setup worries me, it usually requires quite ea bit of
work), and then we should add niceties.

Oh, of course - And some niceties can be anyway transferred to
attendees (i.e. what I proposed for the daytrip). Even if we get the
needed extra money, it would not be a sin to end up handing money back
to Debian ;-)
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