On 24.01.2013 09:55, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
Hi Philipp,

Le mercredi, 23 janvier 2013 22.24:43, Philipp Hug a écrit :
I prepared this a while ago, when I was working on the budget, but I
didn't send it to the list yet.

I have now prepared https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Pricing as a
tentative summary of the pricing policy for DebConf13. I tried to include all
proposals so far, with reasonable prices.

My comments:

I don't like the category names, and I think we should not give names to that category. Nobody should be labeled according the hosting. For sponsors it is different, the category is a selling point and according category they are shown differently on various places.

I would provide standard accommodation to sponsored people (thus not discount for better beds), or not for seldom and higher priced categories.

I think we should add also category for 2 beds, for the couples.

And I prefer to "sell" the room as my proposed method: we write only the maximum number of people/bed per room (and try to scatter the free beds on all categories). A ">=" could be confusing.

I would also follow hug proposal: moving 10.- food per day from food to accommodation (breakfast).

Conference fee should be per week (conference bag, t-shirt, infrastructure is per DC, not per day)

DebConf was always free, so no "normal" fee. (and also it would more difficult to choose who is sponsored and who not. We already had 3 spnsored categories (only food, only accommodation, both) + travel).

 From the last two option we should probably pick the preferred one and
only offer this. And I think, as DebConf general attendance should be
free, we could drop the CHF50 fee.

I think "willing to cover your own costs" is actually a good possibility we
might want to offer.

So an other reason to have the cost per week. Anyway eventually we could add a "supporter" conference fee. But no fee for "normal" people. We need more students and young people to see how Debian works, to convince them to contribute to our project.

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