
I prepared this a while ago, when I was working on the budget, but I
didn't send it to the list yet.

These are the basic ideas:
* Accomodation/Food are paid per night
* When accomodation is booked also food must be booked
* Total cost of pro and corporate fee should be about the same as in
previous years, if split.

Types, cost structure and features of attendance fee:
* Corporate
- gets you a receipt
- good feeling about supporting DebConf
- fee: CHF 500

* Professional
- gets you a receipt
- good feeling about supporting DebConf
- fee: CHF 180

* Basic (optional)
- pays his own costs
- no receipt
- fee: CHF 50

* Sponsored (optional)
- sponsored attendance, might have to pay food and accomodation, if
not also sponsored
- no receipt

>From the last two option we should probably pick the preferred one and
only offer this. And I think, as DebConf general attendance should be
free, we could drop the CHF50 fee.

Why should we offer a basic or partially sponsored option at all?
* Attendees can decide to be partially sponsored (saves us money)
* It's fairer to those who don't get sponsored and have to pay themselves.
* As only the pro and corporate will get a receipt, there's still an
incentive to use this option if you company pays

Food should be fixed: CHF 25 day (lunch + dinner)

Now to the more delicate issue of room pricing:
I had the following idea: (including CHF10 / day for breakfast)

- single room: CHF 75 / night
- double room: CHF 45 / night
- normal room: CHF 35 / day (average room price of CHF 24 / night +
CHF 10 / night, this can be separated in more categories if wanted)

This will result in the following calculation:
Corporate (assuming single room)
500 + 7 * (75 + 25) = CHF 1200 (= EUR 1000, like in previous years)
Professional (assuming, he books a double room)
180 + 7 * (45 + 25) = CHF 600 (= EUR 500, like in previous years)
Basic/Sponsored (food/accomodation, assuming he books a standard room)
CHF 420 "(+ CHF 50)"

Yes, it'll be possible for corporate to take a cheaper room, but in
previous years, the only reason people booked corporate was to get a
better room, so I don't think this will happen.

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