Hi Philipp,

Le mercredi, 23 janvier 2013 22.24:43, Philipp Hug a écrit :
> I prepared this a while ago, when I was working on the budget, but I
> didn't send it to the list yet.

I have now prepared https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Pricing as a 
tentative summary of the pricing policy for DebConf13. I tried to include all 
proposals so far, with reasonable prices.

> These are the basic ideas:
> * Accomodation/Food are paid per night
> * When accomodation is booked also food must be booked
> * Total cost of pro and corporate fee should be about the same as in
> previous years, if split.


> - no receipt
> (…)
> - no receipt

I think we should be ready to provide receipts for every payment we get.

> From the last two option we should probably pick the preferred one and
> only offer this. And I think, as DebConf general attendance should be
> free, we could drop the CHF50 fee.

I think "willing to cover your own costs" is actually a good possibility we 
might want to offer.

> Yes, it'll be possible for corporate to take a cheaper room, but in
> previous years, the only reason people booked corporate was to get a
> better room, so I don't think this will happen.

The wiki proposal has an explicit split: accomodation is one thing, conference 
fee is another. I agree that a "conference attendee hosted in >= 
Aluminium/Copper room categories" should pay approximately as much as in the 
last years though.


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