Daniel Pocock dijo [Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 09:25:13AM +0200]:
> I ran the checklist questions past Balmer's, they've come back to us
> with the following detail:
> hostel building: over 100 years old, they can therefore make no
> commitment to compete with a modern purpose-built building on ease of access
> (...)

Hi Daniel,

In the case of people with disabilities, when Interlaken is
considered, we have usually decided to sponsor their accomodation on
the "somewhat-higher-end" nearby accomodations (if they exist, of
course) in order to get over this kind of problems. Being there other
suitable hotels in the vicinity, it *could* be a proper answer - Of
course, having the answer in the same accomodation as everbody else
would be much better.
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