Hi Daniel,

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 09:25:13AM +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> I ran the checklist questions past Balmer's, they've come back to us
> with the following detail:
> hostel building: over 100 years old, they can therefore make no
> commitment to compete with a modern purpose-built building on ease of access
> motel tents: as these are all at ground level, they may or may not be
> suitable.  We need to evaluate for ourselves.
> I don't want to guess at the special needs of people in wheelchairs and
> all the other types of disability.  Do we have anyone in the team who
> can scrutinize this properly and help us make the right planning based
> on this information?

Here's a start point:

This checklist may sound a bit exaggerated, but can give you an idea about the
general needs, mainly concerning measures.

> I'm bringing my camera on Friday so we can photograph the facilities,
> particularly the tent site facilities, for other people to review.



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