Hi all,

We just came back from the meeting with Mr. Pianaro and below you can
find the minutes also available at:

Please do not start a new infinite thread about them. Let's wait for the
Interlaken meeting (tomorrow) and during the BSP in Le Camp starting on
Saturday 27th morning together with the other present people we will
update the comparison on the wiki:

Please note that Le Camp is waiting for an answer on Monday 29th.

Michele and Luca

= Meeting Le Camp 20121025 (heiserhorn and gismo) =

== General discussion ==
* They likes the project. 
* They do not like the idea of other venues investigation at this time
of the discussion.
* Many contract changes over time.
* They think they understand the problem we could have faced.
* Optic fibre investment (100k CHF).
* Changing general conditions needs "Conseil de fondation" as it was
done in the past.
* They think the contract is already very precise.
* We can take the 34 CHF meal option for everyone everyday.
* We can send 1 day before that there are N people less to dinner (to
avoid wasting).
* Tolerance for planned meals vs. effective meals is within 10-20 people
(announced the day before).
* They will try to check with nearby organisations for sponsorship.

== Answers to our questions ==
* Final date for contract signing
 2012-10-22 (now next Monday)
* Possibility to shorten the contract to decrease its (high) price
(which we should anyway try to negotiate more)
 Not possible with this contract. With another contract will be more
expensive (per day).
* Cancellation fee too high, based on a full-board price, while only
accommodation should be considered (the minimum amount to pay)
 Conditions Générales #2
* Detailed deadlines for cancellation to be included in the contract
 Will send Conditions Générales with the contract
* Cooking by ourselves option
* Effective meals
* Lunch option every day
 OK (15600 CHF less)
* List of buildings
 Condition Générales #3, but will send a more detailed version
* Costs list
 Check the first offer in SVN
* No breakfast
* Accommodation only
* Recyclable glasses (like Paleo), so no beer bottle

Conditions Générales:

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