On 14/08/12 14:26, Brian Gupta wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 8:23 AM, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Dienstag, 14. August 2012, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
>>> Not really. Until we start giving something to the customers, we are
>>> obliged to return money to the customer, if he ask so. You should also
>>> remember that in DebConf we are the "strong part", so any doubts on
>>> contracts are in favor to our attendees.
>>> And in many countries the consumer rights are more powerful,
>> I dont think we deal with normal private customers here, but business
>> clients.
>> -> very different rules + regulations.
>> But still...
>>> So we should use the simple one:
>>> "There are no refunds in case of cancellation
>> this might be a good idea (without the "maybe you'll get refund"
>> clause...) -
>> I'd rather amend it: "There are no refunds, in case of cancellation the fee
>> will become a donation to Debian."
> I feel that we should publish a cancellation policy, but agree with Holger
> that we should not publish an exception clause, and like his wording about
> the fee becoming a donation. I'll also add that in the same place it can't
> hurt to mention travel insurance, as I really didn't know what it was until
> reading this thread. (I suspect that many people don't know it is an
> option.) Perhaps something to the effect of, "If you are concerned that you
> may need to cancel your trip, please consider Trip Cancellation Travel
> Insurance."??

I've thought about it some more and I feel that

a) we can emphasize the `no refund' policy more firmly, but actually
communicate this in a positive way
b) use this as an opportunity to express just how Debian and DebConf
actually works (rather than just using something that looks like
boilerplate legal text)

Here's what I came up with:

"DebConf does not sell tickets per-se, therefore DebConf can not provide

DebConf is facilitated by volunteers who make no financial profit and
keep no financial reserve for themselves.

Specifically, the organising team collects the minimum amount of money
necessary from people like yourself who want to create the DebConf
event, and the team uses that money to make irrevocable, low cost bulk
bookings for accommodation, food and related expenses.

Your payment should be regarded as an investment in this collective
effort and that it is irrevocable in the same sense as any time or
intellectual property that you give voluntarily in the pursuit of the
Debian project objectives.

Nevertheless, in the spirit of community, places are transferable under
the strict condition that the participants do not have any outstanding
debt to DebConf in respect of any other confirmed attendee.

In the event that adverse circumstances prevent you attending, the only
effort that the DebConf organizers can make is
(a) to guarantee that canceled places will be used to fill any late
registrations and that the revenue from late registrations will be
shared pro-rata between those people who advised of their cancellation
(b) to provide proof of payment for accommodation and food to assist in
the pursuit of a claim on your travel insurance"

As mentioned before, I believe publishing a statement like this will
help getting people to pay earlier.  It may also give sponsors more
confidence in the event.

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