
IF a trip/excursion is wanted, as was mentionned before, public
transportation can be used e.g. to Neuchâtel (slow) or Yverdon (slightly
faster). Note that the Swiss Railway System has group tickets, so we
might get a discount on the normal price if we travel together.

However, this may prove impractical when returning late, unless
using the Noctambus (e.g. departs 02h15 and 04h00 from Neuchâtel
to Vaumarcus) http://www.noctambus-ne.ch/index.php?page=horaire
at 7 CHF per person (5.90 if 6 people). Runs friday and saturday

Another possibility would be to use Le Camp's 12 seat bus, or possibly
other buses, driven by us (D permit required).  Or we could ask a
transporter: 100+ places buses are not that expensive per seat.

I suggest we collect excursion ideas for later, and then propose something.

Cultural: visit the castle[1], if it is still possible.

Nature: walking is free, and from Le Camp you can go to many places (bath
at the lake -- usually adequate temperature in August -- or take
the boat for a lake excursion [2]; climb up the mountains
to the Creux-du-Van natural preservation site [3], about 4 to 5 hours
return depending on your condition.

   Neuchâtel La Case-à-Chocs (alternative) http://www.case-a-chocs.ch/
   La Chaux-de-Fonds Bikini Test (alternative)
   Neuchâtel Bar King (mainstream, also boat partying)
   Bigger parties would be in Lausanne, Berne, Geneva or Zürich ($$)

[1] https://plus.google.com/109162155267014464339/about?gl=US&hl=fr

[2] http://www.navig.ch/navigation.php?id=11&page=horaire_pdf&lang=en
    e.g. departure 9:45 from Vaumarcus, return at 11:50, itinerary does
    the west of the lake. You can also continue to Neuchâtel, doing
    the whole lake, arriving at 13:45, and either come back with the
    train or the boat at 15:55 in Vaumarcus.
    There are some 20 CHF "daily tickets". You can either eat on board
    ($$$) or get a lunch take-away meal prepared by Le Camp at a
    discount price from the normal menu.
    There is free WiFi on board. Not every day. Might change in 2013.

    Return on the same path, or through Noiraigue (Areuse River Canyon, 
    gorges de l'Areuse and then back by train-bus from Colombier).

Ah, and we also mentionned yesterday special transportation needs:


   http://www.benevolat-ne.ch/ (benevolent transport, and other proposals)

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