
Michele Cane <michele.c...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi
> On Tue, 2012-08-14 at 23:35 +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
>> Hi
>> For debconf-team readers, please see the start of the thread at:
>> http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20120814.194536.48d8e25a.en.html
>> debconf13-localteam members: Please crosspost everything which is not
>> strictly only localteam related to debconf-team for now. At debconf in
>> nicaragua we basically agreed to merge the localteam and globalteam
>> lists into just one list. But this has not happened yet.
>> Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> writes:
>> > Le mardi, 14 août 2012 21.45:36, Michele Cane a écrit :
>> >> Hi all,
>> >> 
>> >> today I had, along with other members of localteam, a meeting with Le
>> >> Camp director Mr. Pianaro.
>> >> I can personally say that I am satisfied for how the meting went and I
>> >> think this feeling is shared by the other participants.
>> >> You can find the most important point of the meeting on the wiki
>> >> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/minutes-20120814
>> >
>> > Thanks and congrats. That's great !
>> >
>> > Just some quick math questions as I've been trying to fill a spreadsheet 
>> > with 
>> > prospective beds usage numbers:
>> >
>> > * How many nights will we actually have ?
>> >    The wiki page says 13 but there are 12 nights between monday 5. and 
>> > sunday
>> >    18. While it would be nice for some organizers to stay for the sunday 
>> > 18.
>> >    night, I'm not sure it would be possible.
>> At the meeting today we talked about 13 days. But I'm not sure if this
>> is still negotiatable as we did not really talk about the dates. We
>> should probably do that soon as I think that Saturday to Saturday would
>> be best (this would mean 3. to 17. august). This year quite some people
>> left one day early because they wanted to be home on Sunday to restart
>> work on Monday.
> At the meeting we talked about 14 days and 13 nights.

Oh I see, my bad. So my proposal would be 4.8.2013 (Sunday) to 17.8.2013
(Saturday). This is one day earlier than what we talked about before.
Don't know if this change is still possible.

>> > * From the wiki page: "For 4880 CHF per night (13 night, 58240 CHF) we can
>> >   have 2600 beds (an average of 200 beds per day) over the whole conf
>> >   duration." => The numbers don't match: 13 nights at 4880 CHF is 63440 
>> > CHF.
>> >   2600 beds suggests 13 days indeed but we have 12 nights. The trick is 
>> > that
>> >   we'd need 13 days but 12 nights I guess.
>> The 4880 for 200 beds information in the wiki is wrong. The point where
>> the minimal price and the price per bed are equal is at 243 beds. This
>> is probably a misunderstanding because Mr. Pianaro did made some
>> confusing example which I only understood after recalculation everything
>> myself. One example had 200 persons and was intended to show that we
>> have to pay the minimal amount of 4880 in this case and the other
>> included 300 persons and showed that the price per bed appies in that
>> case. But the minimal amount only comes into effect if we don't reach
>> more than 243 persons on average. Which equals to 3156 guest-nights. 
> I am sure that for 4880 CHF we have 200 x 13 = 2600 beds and both of the
> point it will be confirmed by the contract proposal.

I guess you mean for 4880*13 = 63440 CHF we get 200 beds * 13 = 2600
guest-nights. Sure that's true. But for the same price we even get
243*13=3156 guest-nights. This is because 2600*20.10 = 52260 is lower
than the minimal price of 63440. At 3156 guest-nights the prices are


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