
For debconf-team readers, please see the start of the thread at:

debconf13-localteam members: Please crosspost everything which is not
strictly only localteam related to debconf-team for now. At debconf in
nicaragua we basically agreed to merge the localteam and globalteam
lists into just one list. But this has not happened yet.

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> writes:

> Le mardi, 14 août 2012 21.45:36, Michele Cane a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> today I had, along with other members of localteam, a meeting with Le
>> Camp director Mr. Pianaro.
>> I can personally say that I am satisfied for how the meting went and I
>> think this feeling is shared by the other participants.
>> You can find the most important point of the meeting on the wiki
>> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Meetings/minutes-20120814
> Thanks and congrats. That's great !
> Just some quick math questions as I've been trying to fill a spreadsheet with 
> prospective beds usage numbers:
> * How many nights will we actually have ?
>       The wiki page says 13 but there are 12 nights between monday 5. and 
> sunday
>       18. While it would be nice for some organizers to stay for the sunday 
> 18.
>       night, I'm not sure it would be possible.

At the meeting today we talked about 13 days. But I'm not sure if this
is still negotiatable as we did not really talk about the dates. We
should probably do that soon as I think that Saturday to Saturday would
be best (this would mean 3. to 17. august). This year quite some people
left one day early because they wanted to be home on Sunday to restart
work on Monday.

> * From the wiki page: "For 4880 CHF per night (13 night, 58240 CHF) we can
>   have 2600 beds (an average of 200 beds per day) over the whole conf
>   duration." => The numbers don't match: 13 nights at 4880 CHF is 63440 CHF.
>   2600 beds suggests 13 days indeed but we have 12 nights. The trick is that
>   we'd need 13 days but 12 nights I guess.

The 4880 for 200 beds information in the wiki is wrong. The point where
the minimal price and the price per bed are equal is at 243 beds. This
is probably a misunderstanding because Mr. Pianaro did made some
confusing example which I only understood after recalculation everything
myself. One example had 200 persons and was intended to show that we
have to pay the minimal amount of 4880 in this case and the other
included 300 persons and showed that the price per bed appies in that
case. But the minimal amount only comes into effect if we don't reach
more than 243 persons on average. Which equals to 3156 guest-nights. 

I hope that solves your confusion. 

When counting guest nights for DC11 and DC7 tonight after the meeting I
realized that (excluding those without dates, see darst's clarification)
we did not reach 3156 guest-nights for those conferences.

But the good thing is that food is only paid per actual meal consumed.
There is no minimum there. And food is the more expensive part. So I
don't think this is a problem.


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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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