Martin Schulze dijo [Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:00:16AM +0200]:
> > > If that's a quote, then a quote should be sufficient.
> > 
> > is that also fine if thats in spanish?
> Oh dear!
> Please ask them to issue it in English.
> We issue donation receipts, receipts etc. in English as well, so should
> a company in Nicaragua, no?

As a Mexican, I can assure you it is quite hard you will get a quote
in English, sorry. Specially from companies not used to have
international interactions.

> > if not, how official needs the translation to be?
> That's a good question...
> I usually think positive, thus, I assume (hope?) that people at the
> Finanzamt will accept a printout (or PDF) that consists of both the
> Spanish and German/English translation of text as appendix to the
> quote/invoice.

Would a Spanish document + translation + signature of trust on the
transaction by one or several of us Spanish speakers do?
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