
On Sun Jul 10, 2011 at 12:42:47 +0200, Adnan Hodzic wrote:
> Internet problem, solved.

that sounds great!

> On given location we have a gigabit switch with link of 1Gbps capacity
> directly connected to the internet exchange point in Budapest.
> If network team would like to send any requests, ie (number of needed
> addresses) I'll give you one of the SARNET people email.
> My work here is done, who wants to take it from here, Marinko?

Okay, my idea would be the following:

we get one IPv4 IP from a transfer network, which we can use as the
outgoing firewall IP, and something like a /26 or /27 routed to that IP.
We then can give some of our machines there real internet IPs (like the
machine used for video streaming, some developer accessable machines,
...) and have the attendees on a RFC1918 network block we NAT of the

If we can get native IPv6, that would be nice, but there is no urgent
need for that. Same setup here, one IPv6 IP in a transfer network for
the firewall, and a /48 or /64 routed to that IP.

I think that is the same setup we had at least during DebConf9, which
worked out quite well, and i think we have the configurations checked
into a SVN somewhere, so I just would need to update them.

Oneone thinking that is setup is a bad idea?


PS: My internet connection at home broke. I have some sort of access to
the internet, but i am currently not reading the lists. So keep me on CC
if you want to reach me.
 Martin Zobel-Helas <zo...@debian.org>  | Debian System Administrator
 Debian & GNU/Linux Developer           |           Debian Listmaster
 GPG key http://go.debian.net/B11B627B  | 
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