> getting the uplink set up doesnt mean cabling all the rooms in banksy dvor -
> this is done during debcamp.
> getting the uplink set up means having a single point somewhere in banksy dvor
> - where we than can later attach our network hardware to.

Ah, it's only getting uplink you're talking about. I thought it was
doing the cabling and everything.

> when was the last time you spoke with sarnet about this? are you sure they
> know they should set up the link this monday?

No I haven't, no they don't have idea about this as I already
mentioned I didn't have time to contact them earlier. When was Monday
picked as day this needs to be set up?

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> Hey,
> On Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, Adnan Hodzic wrote:
>> I mean how
>> many of them even know which rooms are even going to be used in Banski
>> Dvors?
> getting the uplink set up doesnt mean cabling all the rooms in banksy dvor -
> this is done during debcamp.
> getting the uplink set up means having a single point somewhere in banksy dvor
> - where we than can later attach our network hardware to.
> when was the last time you spoke with sarnet about this? are you sure they
> know they should set up the link this monday?
> cheers,
>        Holger
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