On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> Adnan,
> On Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, Adnan Hodzic wrote:
>> > when was the last time you spoke with sarnet about this? are you sure
>> > they know they should set up the link this monday?
>> No I haven't, no they don't have idea about this as I already
>> mentioned I didn't have time to contact them earlier.
> you are joking, right?

No I don't joke when we're talking about this kind of stuff. Please
tell me the exact instructions on what you want me to do. All we want
is uplink, without any cabling? Please confirm.

Again as I previously mentioned, I really didn't get to contact them
earlier, but I am about now, I find them to be serious institution and
they will do as instructed in matter of hours.

> during Morays and my visit to Banja Luka you said you would make sure Banksy
> Dvor will have a 100mbit uplink a week prio debcamp.
> So whats your plan now?

Yes I was, but my plan changed a bit because I decided to go to Banja
Luka bit later. I'm going to Banja Luka next week, I'm gonna be there
either on 12th or 13th. By last information DIVA team and I are going
to a meeting with President, Minister of Science and Technology, Mayor
and organizational committee. All the media and press will be present
on this meeting there will also be press conference as part of this

If this doesn't happen on 12th, then I'm going to Banja Luka on 13th,
and my plan for that day is to meet with SARNET team and get internet
working in Banski Dvor. Besides internet what I have planned for that
day is to go and pick up Phil from Banja Luka airport.

So by the plan I have we should have internet in Banski Dvor 5 days
before DebCamp instead of a week as originally planned.

Sounds good?

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> Adnan,
> On Samstag, 9. Juli 2011, Adnan Hodzic wrote:
>> > when was the last time you spoke with sarnet about this? are you sure
>> > they know they should set up the link this monday?
>> No I haven't, no they don't have idea about this as I already
>> mentioned I didn't have time to contact them earlier.
> you are joking, right?
>> When was Monday
>> picked as day this needs to be set up?
> during Morays and my visit to Banja Luka you said you would make sure Banksy
> Dvor will have a 100mbit uplink a week prio debcamp.
> So whats your plan now?
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