On Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2011, Velimir Iveljic wrote:
> So no extensions then?
> I just want to know, so i can stop thinking about it further.

further thinking about the "last mile problem" (aka busses) and this led me to 
wonder whether it would be sensible to extend cfp, travel + food+accom 
sponsorship deadlines _all_ to May 19th.


and, if so, decide + _publish_ this fast and then soon after / even better at 
the same time improve+publish the bus information, ie the public bus tables 
from Zagreb (and elsewhere?) to Banja Luka plus a "holdable promise" of 
special shuttles (taxis?), ie one or two per day - except on maybe two days 
where we'll actually have busloads of arrivals.

the obvious downside to this is that people will know about travelsponsorhip 
later. probably later, as it's not known when this will happen anyway. 

(ie not much was discussed so far how,who,when will decide about food+travel 


P.S.: for decision finding I'd suggest ACK mails or mails stating why this is 
a bad idea. silence doenst help ;) _I_'m also fine if just the food+accom 
sponsorship deadline is extended. Though given the "last mile" problem I'd be 
in favor of extending all (and thus to include cfp as exception handling ain't 

...and in any case, someone please move/link those bus tables into the dc11 
webpage. TIA :)
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