
On Wed, 4 May 2011 06:49:29 +0200, Adnan Hodzic wrote
> Hey everybody,
> Topic of extending the registration period was brought up on our last
> meeting. I was the one who brought it up as in following couple of
> weeks I'll be attending some very important conference in the region
> and thus when I present the people with idea of DebConf11 in Bosnia I
> want to avoid situation where I'll say something along the line
> "you're welcome but only in case if you want to pay as you're not
> eligible for sponsorship as sponsorships have been closed".
> Thus I suggest we extend the registration period until 19th which
> marks the end of the last conference I'm going to.
> Now, as extending itself isn't much big of a deal, but some have
> suggested that we also restrict sponsorship to the people who 
> register in this extended period, and that they are only eligible 
> for sponsored accommodating. I see from what kind of background this 
> suggestion is coming, but if we put that aside I still don't think 
> that's fair, what I would suggest is that we set more rigorous 
> criterion for these people who register in extended period or just 
> let them register as everybody had a chance up till now :)
> Even if we disregard all things that were said in last paragraph,
> please take this info into your consideration, all the conferences 
> are going to be held in <=500km radius so travel won't be much of a 
> deal, and shouldn't take much funds as all of it will fall on 
> government, as all of them will need accommodation.
> Opinions and comments are most welcome.

The need of this deadline is mainly related to the practical need of 
dimensioning food/accomm costs. Once the govt will pay food/accomm directly, I 
see no reason to be inflexible on this point. So, it sounds good to me having 
this new registration period with no restriction at all.

I just want to point that although Debconf is an open conference, it's mostly 
focused on working for Debian. So, in some cases it makes more sense to invite 
Debian users and free software enthusiasts for Debian Day, not for the whole 
conference. Again, free software people are very welcome. We just need to find 
a fair measure to avoid a crowded conference with many non-Debian people, 
which could be too noisy. But if you think it's not going to happen, go ahead 


Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
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