Moray Allan dijo [Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 12:11:52PM +0200]:
> So that you're discussing something concrete, this is the 5.5 km (3 ½ 
> mile) route from the medical centre to the main accommodation building 
> (where most people will stay/where meals and nighttime hacking were 
> supposed to be):
> It might be possible to take a more direct shortcut over the 
> hills/through the fields: e.g. 
> would cut it down to 4.9 km (3 miles).
> Even for the second route, the first 2 km or so seem to require going 
> along a dual carriageway (en_US: divided highway?) without any pavement 
> (en_US: sidewalk), which from the satellite view doesn't appear ideal 
> for either walking or cycling.

5.5Km is perfectly doable in ~20 minutes, even if there is a (not too
steep) slope. So, yes, fine by me. Regarding the dual carriageway, how
are the laws in Spain? are cyclists allowed in such roads? How is that
particular road's traffic? I would not think it is a riskier adventure
than cycling in regular city traffic...

Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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