Richard Darst dijo [Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 01:36:53PM -0400]:
> (...)
> Venue Change (summary provided by Ana)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> (...)
> The place is only 2 years old, so it is expected to follow latest
> accessibility laws (this last is ana's addition).  New venue is better
> than first one but was discarded earlier because it is far from the
> sleeping-quarters.  Opening times of the venue are unclear, it is
> believed to be from 9:00 to 23:00 *maybe*.

Good, I'm sure many people will greatly appreciate the extra three
hacking hours :)

> It is far from the main residence, but the town hall is willing to pay
> buses (worth ~5000 euros).  The plan is to have buses all day from the
> town to the venue. Distance is 2-3 km from town. (ana: others sources
> say 4km).  In the new venue, there is a residence for researchers, but
> it's quite expensive. An agreement may be made for some beds there.
> Further details will be sent to the mailing list.

Umh... I don't recall if this was mentioned during the meeting, but
what about _food_? Will we be able to serve food at the new venue?
I'd hope so, as otherwise it would imply quite a long time to go
downtown and back at least at lunch and dinner time...

Also, regarding the buses: I understand the people at the Junta are
offering the bus service as a "we're truly sorry" sign for not keeping
the promised venue... But I'm sure there can be a better arrangement
than having buses going back and forth with one or two hackers
sitting... Yes, at some hours that would make sense (i.e. every 30
minutes between 10:00 and 13:00 or so, judging on earlier years'
wake-up times), but demand during the afternoon/evening will be quite
low. And at night, well, some buses will be probably used, but many
people will want to walk back (I expect it not to be _that_ hot
anymore by 23:00!) or to go elsewhere in Cáceres for some $(( drink + tapas)).


Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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