Christian Perrier dijo [Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 07:19:17AM +0200]:
> What about getting closer from a bike rental company?
> In the situation that is likely to happen, I'd be delighted to be able
> to rent a bike to move around over there and not depend on buses.
> OK, it's hot in Caceres, I know....and I also know that the city is
> not *that* flat, so that's certainly not an option for everybody but
> still maybe could be considered.

I recently asked César, and he is not aware of any bike rental shops
in Cáceres (although that does not mean there aren't any). Still, I
plan to either lug along my bike with me, or to buy one as I arrive to
Spain and sell/donate/abandon it when I leave. Two weeks without
wheels would hurt :)

If you are coming by train from elsewhere in Europe, it might be worth
lugging yours along.


Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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