Matias D'Ambrosio dijo [Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 11:53:22AM -0300]:
>   OSM is very lacking for Caceres, luckily we should have at least one mapper 
> arriving early, with a GPS. Yahoo imagery doesn't have enough resolution over 
> there, and I think OpenAerialMap doesn't, either. Also I expect many in 
> DebCamp to have GPSs and carry them around, so by DebConf proper the map 
> should be in pretty good shape.

Although I am myself a mapper, arriving early (well, second DebCamp
day), and I tend to map a bit wherever I travel to, I would _not_
consider this to be a proper main DebCamp activity (i.e. as it does
not constitute value for Debian). Also, remember that unlike the
mapping-friendly weather we had in MDQ, we will be facing ~40°C
maximums, so... I don't expect many mappers during daytime :)


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