On Friday 20 March 2009 22:14:58 Blars Blarson wrote:
> Is there any interest in doing maps for debconf using openstreetmap?
> (Currently under CC-by-SA 2.0 licence, there is ongoing work on a new
> licence.)
> I can help with the map generation, and give advice, but I don't
> expect to be in Caceres before Debconf, so I won't be able to collect
> the map data. It appears that the streets and some other features are
> mapped, but it would be nice if someone else could locate the
> buildings Debconf will use, and businesses (pubs, restaurants, hotels)
> of interest to debconf attendees. Bus stops, train stations,
> mailboxes, payphones, and public toilets are other things that would
> be of interest. Building outlines can be done as well.
> Current openstreetmap maps of Caceres:
OSM is very lacking for Caceres, luckily we should have at least one mapper
arriving early, with a GPS. Yahoo imagery doesn't have enough resolution over
there, and I think OpenAerialMap doesn't, either. Also I expect many in
DebCamp to have GPSs and carry them around, so by DebConf proper the map
should be in pretty good shape.
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