Is there any interest in doing maps for debconf using openstreetmap?
(Currently under CC-by-SA 2.0 licence, there is ongoing work on a new

I can help with the map generation, and give advice, but I don't
expect to be in Caceres before Debconf, so I won't be able to collect
the map data.  It appears that the streets and some other features are
mapped, but it would be nice if someone else could locate the
buildings Debconf will use, and businesses (pubs, restaurants, hotels)
of interest to debconf attendees.  Bus stops, train stations,
mailboxes, payphones, and public toilets are other things that would
be of interest.  Building outlines can be done as well.

Current openstreetmap maps of Caceres:

(Use the + on the right to select which version of the map you want.)

Blars Blarson         

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