
could we cool down a bit, please, and try to solve the actual problems?

Security and border staff is unfriendly even at the Paris airport for
example but I wouldn't refuse to attend a Debconf there. (I just try
to avoid Paris as a transit airport.) And you find fingerprint sensors
on more and more borders like the airports in Japan and European's
Schengen countries will follow soon, too. I think we have to live with
that if we still want to travel around the world.

There might be ways to ease getting an US visa. Last year we had the
Opendocument workshop in Berlin. We could convince a politician (the
german foreign minister) to become the patron of the workshop. The
people from the ministry send the names of the participants to the
embassies and told them that they are taking part in an important
international conference. That helped getting visas and getting them
in time. Maybe something like that is possible for Debconf, too?


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