Hi Torsten,

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 04:27:16PM +0200, Torsten Werner wrote:
> There might be ways to ease getting an US visa. Last year we had the
> Opendocument workshop in Berlin. We could convince a politician (the
> german foreign minister) to become the patron of the workshop. The
> people from the ministry send the names of the participants to the
> embassies and told them that they are taking part in an important
> international conference. That helped getting visas and getting them
> in time. Maybe something like that is possible for Debconf, too?

I have spoken to someone in a position to know, and getting some letters
from companies and universities that sponsor or host the conference,
explaining that this is a legitimate technical conference to which they
will also send people, and saying that the visa applicants will also
contribute useful things to the conference, will probably help a lot
with getting visas issued. We will work on this, and generally explore
the ways to ease the visa situation. It's certainly necessary to tackle
this if a DebConf in NYC is to be a success.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list

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