Jimmy Kaplowitz dijo [Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 07:42:28PM -0400]:
> http://travel.state.gov/pdf/CombinedRefusalRate.pdf has some actual
> numbers for fiscal year 2006. Brazil's refusal rate is 13.2%, meaning
> that 86.8% of Brazilian applications get visas. As a comparison,
> according to
> http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/temp-resident-visa.asp
> Canada (a country where everyone seems fine with holding DebConf)
> approves just over 80% of visas needed to visit Canada temporarily every
> year since 1983. Many countries in which DDs live are similarly low or
> even lower.  Argentina's refusal rate is even lower (6.7%). Also read
> the explanatory notes in that document; the numbers for the 27 Visa
> Waiver Program countries don't take into account people who come without
> applying for a visa, so they overestimate the percentage of people who
> the US wants to keep out.

Remember that it is just a percentage, not the total number. Very
(VERY) few people need visa to enter Argentina, and out of them
according to your numbers, only 6.7% are rejected - Right, because
Argentina does not currently attract so much migration, has a weaker
economy and all. Canada requires visa for much fewer countries than
the USA (at least I know they don't require visas for Mexico). I
expect the Canadian rejections to have better fundaments than the USA

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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