On this evenings stroll, within fifteen minutes walk of the lab, I found the following:
* a not huge but bona fide supermarket. Couldn't find anything I was particularly looking for there, but you might have more luck. Location: geo:24.790533,121.01031?z=15 https://osmand.net/go?lat=24.790533&lon=121.01031&z=15 * right across the street a typical small night market: Chinese barbecue, stinky tofu, fruit juice, noodles, various kinds of junk food, and Thai somtam (which is what I just ate). * down the road a block or so, two vegan restaurants, one of them with a rather elaborate layout of probably fifty dishes. Both probably expensive, as you pay by the weight of your plate. Below's fix is for the big one, the other is a half block down the street. 如意素食館 科學園路 (關東橋) 24, 東區 Location: geo:24.786306,121.009895?z=20 https://osmand.net/go?lat=24.786306&lon=121.009895&z=20 Bon appétit! Clayton