Hi there,

I'm suffering with gpg-agent problem with yubikey. I didn't have this
when I were home.
But maybe after apt upgrade, or other accident, something broke.

Usually after plug-in my yubikey, I'll run:

$ pkill ssh-agent; pkill gpg-agent; eval $(gpg-agent --daemon); ssh-add -L

After that, ssh-add -L can usually show my ssh key stored on my yubikey.
But now gpg-agent refused to reload and show the following error:

gpg-agent: a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one

It looks like the old bug: https://bugs.debian.org/851462
But I'm using stretch version of gnupg 2.1.18-8~deb9u2, which
shouldn't have the above bug.

I'm in debcamp and debconf these days. So it'd be appreciated if
there's anyone can kindly help me.
Thank you!

Roger Shimizu, GMT +8 Hsinchu, Formosa
PGP/GPG: 4096R/6C6ACD6417B3ACB1

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