On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 07:38:31PM +0800, Clayton wrote:
>On this evenings stroll, within fifteen minutes walk of the lab, I
>found the following:
>* a not huge but bona fide supermarket. Couldn't find anything I was
>  particularly looking for there, but you might have more luck.
>       Location: geo:24.790533,121.01031?z=15
>       https://osmand.net/go?lat=24.790533&lon=121.01031&z=15

Yup. I just walked there and it was useful. Quite a trek back carrying
heavy stuff, but I was getting steadily lighter on the way back due to
sweat... :-)

And I was the idiot foreigner in there who spoke no Chinese at all
when the cashier was asking me questions. Got there in the end!

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
< sladen> I actually stayed in a hotel and arrived to find a post-it
          note stuck to the mini-bar saying "Paul: This fridge and
          fittings are the correct way around and do not need altering"

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