Quoting Thomas Goirand (2014-09-05 10:36:01)
> On 09/05/2014 12:21 AM, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > There should also be documentation, that 
> > 
> > a.) you're the photographer, so people who dont want their photos taken 
> > should 
> > hide from you
> > b.) that you're automatically + immediatly uploading fotos to flickr, if I 
> > understood you correctly. (via some fancy wlan sdcard android phone 
> > setup...)
> > 
> > Speaking of this, I think it would be better if you were only uploading 
> > automatically to our git-annex and only push that to flickr after 24|48|72 
> > hours (or never), or doesnt flickr automatically claim rights on uploaded 
> > fotos?
> While I have no problem with people taking photos of me, or even
> uploading them to their own web site or to a Debian website, I am always
> uncomfortable with uploads to 3rd party websites which nobody in the
> Debian community owns.
> Could we just *stop* uploading to flickr, picassa, and such? I don't
> trust them. I don't like them. They *must* monetize somehow, and they
> may one day sell pictures of anyone, then claim that it's in the TOS and
> we may as well just shut up if that happens... It's not as if there was
> no free software to host such content!

I believe "we" don't upload there - the copyright holder (or someone 
else licensed to do so) does.

I dislike a bunch of services, but don't dictate my fellow Debian 
friends not to use those.  Instead I advocate strongly to use better 
alternatives - and try locate such alternatives which involves 
identifying the features they need to really be alternatives.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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