Christian PERRIER dijo [Fri, Apr 06, 2012 at 07:50:42AM +0200]:
> Please note that, for Europeans, most combinations involving SkyTeam
> for going to Nicaragua will involve a connection in USA (and thus an
> Air France, Delta, KLM or Alitalia flight to USA). Often Atlanta
> or Houston. This is the consequence of Delta having direct flights to
> Managua.
> Contrary to appearances, connections involving flights to Mexico are
> not so convenient, because of the apparent lack of direct SkyTeam
> flights from Mexico to Managua.

I would never think that going through Mexico would be cheaper for
Europeans travelling to Managua. In any case, check with regional
hubs, such as Panama, San Jose or San Salvador - Be it with the
SkyTeam airlines or with others.
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