On Sat, 2 Aug 2008, Ana Guerrero wrote:

> Since our cheese-master's connectivity is limited lately, I have just created
> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf8/CheeseWineBoF

I noticed that the Cheese and Wine Party forced me to sleep about
1 - 2 hour longer than I did the days before.  Considering that I
had also German wine it might have made me sleeping 3 hours longer
than usually.  To find out which wine might have been responsible
for this I suggest to split the 10+x different kinds of wine into
two groups, having only wine of one group and see what's happening
next morning. If I sleep longer than usual continue splitting this
group for the next days otherwise test the other group of wines.
Continuing the splitting into equal intervals we should be able
to find out the wine which makes you sleep longer until end of
DebConf.  Anybody considering joining this experiment?

Well, honestly, I really want to say many thanks to Christian
who registered this higly successful event and all those who
participated in preparing the event


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